eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Literature citedessay 1986 • Anonymous
Greeks • Europe > Southeastern Europe
This document consists of bibliographical citations....Literature citedessay 1991 • Anonymous
Greeks • Europe > Southeastern Europe
This document consists of bibliographical citations....Bibliographyessay 1991 • Anonymous
Early Icelanders • Europe > Scandinavia
This article consists of bibliographical citations relevant to eHRAF documents 6: Durrenberger and 7: Gisli Palsson in this file....Referencesessay 1992 • Anonymous
Early Icelanders • Europe > Scandinavia
This work consists of bibliograpical citations relevant to eHRAF documents 11-25 in this file....Bibliographybook chapter 1978 • Anonymous
Delaware • North America > Eastern Woodlands
This is the bibliography from Volume 15, Northeast of the Handbook of North American Indians. The bibliography contains the references from document 20:Goddard...Bibliographyessay 1978 • Anonymous
Iroquois • North America > Eastern Woodlands
This document consists of an extensive bibliography on the Iroquois (as of the 1970s)....Bibliographyessay 1978 • Anonymous
Ojibwa • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
This document consists of a bibliography on the Northeast region. It includes some citations to works on the Ojibwa....Bibliographyessay 1981 • Anonymous
Ojibwa • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
This document consists of bibliographic citations on the Subarctic region, including citations to works about the Ojibwa....References citedessay 1977 • Anonymous
Chipewyans • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
This source are the references cited in the other papers in this volume....Bibliographyessay 1981 • Anonymous
Chipewyans • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
This document consists of bibliographic citations....Persia (Iran)article 1953 • Anonymous
Iran • Middle East > Middle East
In the preparation of this article for inclusion in the file, technical reasons necessitated changing the pagination. Thus, file slips numbered page 242 a, b, c, and d are, in the original publication, all page 242. This compilation of factual inform...Bibliographybook chapter 1983 • Anonymous
Akan • Africa > Western Africa
This is a bibliography for the collected volume, ‘Female and Male in West Arica.’...Crafts of Bidaarticle 1956 • Anonymous
Nupe • Africa > Western Africa
This source is a brief, well-illustrated popular account of the glass-working and brass-smithing crafts of Bida, the capital of Nupe. Some indications are given of modernizing influences....The installation of a new Shilluk kingarticle 1956 • Anonymous
Shilluk • Africa > Eastern Africa
This account by a Shilluk secondary school pupil describes the election and installation ceremonies of a king. Dr. P. P. Howell, an expert on the Shilluk, recommended that this account be published....Bibliographyessay 1983 • Anonymous
Western Apache • North America > Southwest and Basin
This work provides the bibliography for Native Americans of the Southwest that are included the Handbook of North American Indians (Alfonso Ortiz, volume ed., Handbook of North American Indians, 'Southwest', Vol. 10. Smithsonian Institution: Washingt...Bibliographyessay 1978 • Anonymous
Pomo • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This work consists of bibliographic citations with particular reference to documents 29: McLendon, 30: Bean, and 31: McLendon and Lowy in this file....Bibliographyessay 1978 • Anonymous
Yokuts • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This document contains the references for eHRAF documents no. 18, 22-24....Bibliographyessay 1978 • Anonymous
Yuki • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This is the bibliography from the Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8 on California...Meteorological observations from the German Protectorates of the South Seas for the year 1902 1903 • Anonymous
Woleai Region • Oceania > Micronesia
...Amounts of precipitation in the Palau, Marianas, Caroline and Marshall Islands 1904 • Anonymous
Woleai Region • Oceania > Micronesia
...Results of rainfall measurements in the year 1906 1907 • Anonymous
Woleai Region • Oceania > Micronesia
...Journal of the principal occurrences during the voyage of the frigate Santa Rosalia from El Callao de Lima to the Island of David, and thence to San Carlos de Chiloe, in the year 1770book chapter 1908 • Anonymous & Corney, Bolton Glanville
Rapa Nui • Oceania > Polynesia
This source is an account of an early Spanish voyage to Easter ("David," "San Carlos") Island. Although the author is not identified with certainty, the translator-editor believes him to be Don Francisco Antonio de Agüera y Infanzon, the chief pilot....Narrative of the expedition undertaken by order of His Excellency Don Manuel de Amat, Viceroy of Peru, in the ship San Lorenzo and the frigate Santa Rosalia, from the harbor of El Callao de Lima to the Island of David in 1770book chapter 1908 • Anonymous & Corney, Bolton Glanville
Rapa Nui • Oceania > Polynesia
This source is an account of an early Spanish voyage to Easter ("David," "San Carlos") Island. Although the author cannot be identified with certainty, the translator-editor believes him to be Don Juan Hervé, the chief pilot. This account, while some...Data for a description of Koreaarticle 1866 • Anonymous et al.
Korea • Asia > East Asia
This document contains some interesting information on upper-class styles of life and characteristic privileges. Further data on the integration of ancestor worship and the class structure is included. The over-all treatment is sketchy, yet the infor...Information on Brazil and of its leadersbook chapter 1844 • Anonymous et al.
Tupinamba • South America > Eastern South America
The author of this report was an anonymous Jesuit. The report contains only a few pages on the Indians but they give us some data which confirm other statements on important matters, like preferential marriage and revitalism....