Historical and ethnographical material on the Jivaro Indians
1938 Stirling, Matthew Williams

JivaroSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco

The Jivaro Indians
book chapter 1907 Rivet, Paul & Stirling, Matthew Williams

JivaroSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This monograph is largely concerned with an evaluation of missionary and other reports concerning the Jivaro, tempered with the writer's own findings After a general location of the tribal groups, Rivet relates how attempts at subjugation and convers...

The Jivaro Indians
book chapter 1908 Rivet, Paul & Stirling, Matthew Williams

JivaroSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This is a continuation of Rivet's article which was processed as bibliography number 12 of the Jivaro tribe This section was given a separate bibliography number because publication of these sections occurred in the periodical in the year immediately...