
Oceaniaother subsistence combinations

Publication Date
Carucci, Laurence MarshallCulture summary2011
Carucci, Laurence MarshallThe source of the force in Marshallese cosmology1989
Carucci, Laurence MarshallNegotiations of violence in the Marshallese household1990
Carucci, Laurence MarshallWorking wrongly and seeking the straight1998
Carucci, Laurence MarshallContinuities and changes in Marshallese grandparenting2007
Carucci, Laurence MarshallJEKERO1987
Carucci, Laurence MarshallConceptions of maturing and dying in the 'middle of heaven'1985
Erdland, AugustThe Marshall Islanders1914
Krämer, AugustinRalik-Ratak (Marshall Islands)1938
Mason, LeonardThe economic organization of the Marshall Islanders1947
Mason, LeonardA Marshallese nation emerges from the political fragmentation of American Micronesia1989
Nero, Karen L.Accounting for change1999
Senfft, ArnoThe Marshall Islanders1903
Spoehr, AlexanderMajuro1949
Tobin, J. E.Land tenure in the Marshall Islands1952
Wedgwood, Camilla H. (Camilla Hildegarde)Notes on the Marshall Islands1943