eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
The Swampy CreeBook 1967 • Mason, Leonard
Western Woods Cree • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
This document attempts to show the effect of acculturation upon a few institutions of the Cree where history has provided sufficient data with which to follow their story. In general, Cree acculturation has been characterized by an ebb and flow of wh...Preface, maps, glossary, bibliographyessay 1985 • Mason, Leonard
Kiribati • Oceania > Micronesia
This document contains the preface, maps, glossary and bibliography of an edited volume about Kiribati (see Iobi 1985; Kirata 1985; Kirion 1985 “Beyond the reef”, Kirion 1985 “Composing song”; Russell 1985; Taboki 1985; Talu 1985; Taoaba 1985; Tautua...The economic organization of the Marshall Islandersbook chapter 1947 • Mason, Leonard
Marshallese • Oceania > Micronesia
This source, written by a professional ethnologist, deals with the economic situation of the Marshall Islanders, both historically and in the present day. Heavy emphasis is placed on the modern economic activities. A rounded description is given of t...A Marshallese nation emerges from the political fragmentation of American Micronesiaarticle 1989 • Mason, Leonard
Marshallese • Oceania > Micronesia
This article discusses the changing relationships between Marshallese Islanders and the US government in their expressed concerns for political, administrative and cultural autonomy. The focus is on major political negotiations and international agre...