Asiaintensive agriculturalistsMap
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The Miao are one of 56 non-Han Chinese people officially recognized by the government as minority nationalities. They are distinguished by language, dress, historical traditions, and cultural practice from neighboring ethnic groups and the dominant Han Chinese. They are not culturally homogeneous and the differences between local Miao cultures are often as great as between Miao and non-Miao neighbors. Most Miao live in isolated, swidden-farming communities, widely dispersed in the more remote mountain valleys and hillsides of southern China. Miao communities are also found outside China in Northern Thailand, Laos, Northern Vietnam, and since the 1970s, in North America, France and Australia. See also the North American Hmong Collection in eHRAF World Cultures.
- Asia
- East Asia
Subsistence Type
- intensive agriculturalists
- China